Sweet j slang in basketball
Sweet j slang in basketball

sweet j slang in basketball

Now that you know some common basketball terms, phrases, and slang, you'll have an easier time communicating about.

  • See more words with the same meaning: to hit, punch, slap. Wedgie: When the basketball gets stuck between the basket and the backboard.
  • Submitted by Karl Bartolome from Toronto, ON, Canada
  • See more words with the same meaning: to stab.
  • to switch ? there is a track with lyrics: "I want your body, everybody wants your body, so lets jack" nope not switch, u dont get his body back, hmm let me in, or lets play for ur body.
  • he's Jack which means he's Alexas bitch from Michigan Gabriella: ".ask Jack to drive you," Me: "No, Gabriella, my pet goldfish Jack does not drive cars, I will not ask him that."
  • See more words with the same meaning: telephone, phone.
  • shortened form of jack-ass or a jack-off - a general insult.
  • See more words with the same meaning: police officer.
  • Submitted by Aubrey Harrington from MD, USA
  • See more words with the same meaning: cigarette, cigar.
  • Its not my sweet spot, Collins told The Undefeated.
  • See more words with the same meaning: attractive male. NBA ESPN announcers Doris Burke (left) and Mark Jones (right) before a game.

    Origin: Jack Dawson, the main male character in the movie Titanic. Submitted by Sue Clark from St Louis, MO, USA See more words with the same meaning: nothing.You don't know jack! Short form of jack shit (see) See more words with the same meaning: money.Rob jacked Frank up against the wall, and told him to shut up. as in ' jack up' - to lift someone up, and, sometimes, to press that person against a supporting structure.Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA See more words with the same meaning: uncool person, jerk, asshole (general insults - list of).See more words with the same meaning: a coward, wimp, weakling.Citation from "Mac's Big Break", It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (TV, 2010), Season 6 Episode 4 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site. a general insult " sissy" "idiot" " nobody" " loser".See more words with the same meaning: to lose, be defeated, fail.

    sweet j slang in basketball

    See more words with the same meaning: sports (related to).(Eg.) Many people consider Michael Jordan to be the best of all time. GOAT (noun) Often used in sporting games to indicate Greatest of All Time. A 3-and-D player is typically an off-ball guard or wing who's a strong. (Eg.) Francesco flushed the basketball so forcefully that it tore the basket right off the frame. 3-and-D This is a phrase that has really increased in popularity in the last five years or so, especially at the NBA level. See more words with the same meaning: miscellaneous insults (list of). Flush (verb) Flush is a slang term for dunking.Yeah you're damn right I said I hate you, you pathetic jabrony. in "professional wrestling," a wrestler who intentionally loses to improve the image of the winner.

    Sweet j slang in basketball